NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The exhibition of this year’s Tartu Art Auction will once again be open in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House. The auction is organised by the Tartu Artists’ Union in co-operation with the gallery Art & Tonic

50 works were selected for the exhibition. Participating artists are:

Maire Aarsalu, Siim-Tanel Annus, Albert Gulk, Juss Heinsalu, Mirjam Hinn, Eero Ijavoinen, Saskia Järve, Siiri Jüris, Maik Kalberg, Kalli Kalde, Gertrud Kinna, Kiwa, Marta Liisa Koit, Peeter Krosmann, Liisa Kruusmägi, Olev Kuma, Maret Suurmets Kuura, Toomas Kuusing, Timo Kähara, Koidu Laur, Stina Leek, Heikki Leis, Janne Lias, Margit Lõhmus, Merlis Lätti, Mihkel Maripuu, Dagmar Martin, Johanna Mudist, Vahram Muradyan, Maarit Mälgi, Meiu Münt, Mall Nukke, Eva Elise Oll, Marja-Liisa Plats, Enn Põldroos, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Mia Melanie Saar, Maria Sidljarevitš, Regina-Mareta Soonsein, Imat Suumann, Urmo Teekivi, Enn Tegova, Edgar Tedresaar, Kadri Toom, Alar Tuul, Helle Vahersalu, Teele Ülesoo, Danel Ülper

More information about the works is found at and the accompanying print catalogue. Texts are written by Kristlyn Liier and Peeter Talvistu and photos are by Madis Katz.

The auction takes place on 18 June at 5 p.m. and will be conducted by Reigo Kuivjõgi. Participation is the bidding is possible both physical in the room and over Zoom. The precise location of the auction is subject to the regulations of the Estonian Government and will be announced later.

To participate in the bidding, you have to register at by 17 June. Participation is also possible over phone. The letter of registration must include information about your preferred method of participation.

Additional information:
Peeter Talvistu
Curator and Project Manager
Tartu Artists’ Union
00372 5301 2277

Gallery name: Tartu Art House Monumental Gallery

Address: Vanemuise 26, Tartu

Opening hours: Mon, Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 29.05.2021 - 18.06.2021