NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Hinn is abstract and dynamic while Tuul is more powerful and brutal, even forthright. The idea of the joint exhibition is based on a fiction that is used to introduce numerous stories and abstract interpretations about our society and subconsciousness. This means that the dialogue of the artists creates a novel and idealistic utopia. The exhibition offers an original glimpse at the post-technological society where ideas about nature and artificial structures have become intertwined. A story of the contemporary society is told using a motif of an abstract island.

The paintings transform under artificial illumination and the exhibition uses lights, colours, space and sounds to play with the senses of the viewer. The project is based on the colour green that creates an aesthetic naturalistic space or a green room effect. Using the aesthetics of a charged space, an artistic composition for different senses appears.

Mirjam Hinn (b 1990) has graduated from the Painting Department of the University of Tartu (MA, 2018) and the Tartu Art College (BA, 2014). Her previous solo exhibitions have included the Tartu Art House (2018) and the Tartu Art Museum (2019). Hinn was awarded the AkzoNobel Art Prize (2018), won the Young Tartu competition (2019) and was among the nominees of the Konrad Mägi Award (2020).

Alar Tuul (b 1982) has graduated from the Painting Department of the University of Tartu (MA, 2019) and the Tartu Art College (BA, 2014). His previous solo exhibitions include the Tartu Art House (2016 and 2018) and the Tartu Art Museum (2014). Last year an overview catalogue of his oeuvre was published.

The exhibition is accompanied by a musical composition by Jeremy Macachor in collaboration with the artists.

Gallery name: Tartu Art House Big Hall

Address: Vanemuise 26, Tartu

Opening hours: Mon, Wed-Sun 12:00 - 18:00

Open: 29.05.2021 - 20.06.2021