NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

In cooperation between two museums an exhibition of the Group of Estonian Artists will be opened in Valga.

The exhibition “Coats and Pipes. An Introduction to the Group of Estonian Artists” will be opened on 8th of July at 4 pm in Valga Museum. The exhibition is made by the cooperation between Tartu Art Museum and Valga Museum.

GEA (Group of Estonian Artists) was the first avant-garde artist group in Estonia and, like its Western role models, emphasised modern art, or cubism and constructivism, as the only possible means of artistic expression. Everything else was considered reactionary. Even the members who changed their style were threatened with expulsion from the group.

All the selected artworks are from Tartu Art Museum paintings collection. Curator Kristlyn Liier says, that the members of GEA also made a lot of graphics and few member expressed their works in sculpture as well, but this time the exhibition focuses on the paintings. The group was founded in 1923 and it was registered to Tartu but many of the members (Friedrich Hist, Eduard Ole, Felix Randel and Juhan Raudsepp) were from Valga and were schoolmates. They also had close connections with Riga.

Curator: Kristlyn Liier (Tartu Art Museum)
Graphic design: Katrin Nõu
Exhibition team: Richard Adang, Nele Ambos, Tanel Asmer, Indrek Grigor, Joanna Hoffmann, Mare Joonsalu, Margus Joonsalu,  Annegret Kriisa, Katrin Lõoke, Neeme Punder, Marju Rebane, Ilze Salnāja-Värv, Anti Saar, Peeter Talvistu, Ago Teedema
Supporter: Eesti Kultuurkapital

The exhibition is open from July 8 to October 3 at the Valga Museum.

Gallery name: Valga Muuseum

Address: Vabaduse 8, Valga

Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 15:00

Open: 08.07.2020 - 03.10.2020