“Anonymous Boh, via non-stop world tours, performances, exhibitions, and publications, has created one of the most representative, significant, timely and transformative art movements in all of history. As Ring Master, Boh has become the Wild Bill Hickok, the P.T. Barnum, the Alfred Jarry, the Tristan Tzara, the Ezra Pound, the Orson Welles of our Era. We have entered The Apocalypse, The Storm. Boh, implementing all The Arts via NON GRATA’S Diverse Universe global performances, reveals to us not only where we presently stand in The Storm but he also conjures visions of our soon to be realized post-apocalyptic absurdly playfully tormented kaleidoscopic landscapes.” Ron Whitehead, Outlaw Poet, Kentucky
Taje Paldrok alias Devil Girl is Estonian performance, installation and new media artist, educated in alternative art institution Academia Non Grata in Estonia, Academy of Fine Arts of Helsinki and Tallinn and Universität der Künste in Berlin. She is one of the main engines of International Non Grata Performance Group since 1998. As Devilgirl, She has been seen on over continental underground scene worldwide, wild and anonymous.
Gallery name: Pärnu Linnagalerii
Address: Uus tn 4, Pärnu
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 11:00 - 17:00, Sat 11:00 - 14:00
Open: 15.12.2020 - 16.01.2021