NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The artist name PUSA belongs to a master painter Piret Bergmann, who is well known for her colourful works with distinctive, almost psychedelic patterns. She has taken part in various exhibitions and the last one, "Colours don't lie" with Robin Nõgisto is opened in Pärnu, in the Museum of New Art until the end of the week.

Besides creating imaginary worlds in paintings, Pusa also works with sculptures and installations. She has also illustrated and written several children`s books.

Pusa describes herself as follows: “Mostly I paint and draw, sometimes I also write. I like little things in between big things, for example, a small crack in a skyscraper’s fundament or the inside of a lemon peel or of the bubble in the boiling porridge. I like to imagine life inside tiny things. I believe that there is brisk and colourful life inside those things. Roughly as I’m painting it”.

Watch a video story with PUSA, recorded already in 2019, to find out the origin of her memorable paintings.