NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Without the score, 2024

200 x 150 cm

Kahepoolsed temperamaalid kruntimata lõuendil

Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to create new imagery, if at all possible. I believe it can’t be done through meticulous planning and thinking. In this painting series, I have tried to find something new for myself. I wanted to work without reference material, without preparatory work, without thinking about how to paint “in the right way”. One could say this is “painting by heart”, hence the title: painting “without the score”. I let the painting be as spontaneous as it can be, knowing though that no image exists in isolation. What becomes visible are motifs that exist within me. By motifs, I do not mean archetypes or narratives that can be associated with the subconscious, but merely visual elements. The spontaneity of my approach resembles Dadaism, but I would say I am not aiming to oppose art itself nor to create deliberate absurdity. My objective is to “reveal” images. I would like to clarify that I do not particularly value this creative “method”; it is not about achieving a specific physical or mental state in order to ensure creativity. This way of painting has significant limitations, as the limits of technical skills and imagination quickly become apparent.