NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The artist as a spider, 2022

190 x 130 cm

drawing paper 240g, permanent marker, acrylic water-based marker, 94 graffiti bottle, white oil paint.

Series of paintings in which the author depicts scenes and events of everyday life. The works are personal, but the viewer can equate the works with an event they have experienced, similar feelings or stories of others The paintings are created in a free format, relying only on the memory of the event and, through a large work process, creating sketches, transfer this visualization into their works. The author’s goal is to fully rely on his inner vision without using any visual sources, relying only on the skills and knowledge acquired so far. The dynamic aspect of the work is unusual, they complement each other as a series of paintings and a never-ending process. Text is added to each painting that depicts the event. The author has used his notebook as an example, which has been created through his years of study, describing his artistic career, ideas and personal life. In the notebook, many of the sketches are supplemented with text as it can be seen in the series “Memory notebook”. The text in the works is sentences and short phrases that reflect the feeling and brief description of each event, visually complementing the paintings. Painting series – 12 paintings (1.90m x 1.30m) this was my Bachelor’s thesis work this year.

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