NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Svinot dzimu, svinot miru, 2024

By Laura Dzerve
200 x 350 cm

linen, cotton, fir wood boards, digital printing, various types of embroidery

Latvians enjoy drinking alcoholic drinks. According to the data of the Ministry of Health, Latvia ranks 1st in Europe in terms of alcohol consumption. For the average Latvian, holidays without alcohol are unimaginable – traditions remain traditions. The installation tells about the consequences of everyday alcohol use: addiction, degradation, damage to relationships, and suffering. The installation don’t belong to time because it is passed down from generation to generation. What remains are just the white and illusory pure textile depictions that teach in the language of commandments about the imminent future, the lost present, and the ruined life. The master’s thesis examines the traditions of Latvian alcohol consumption and highlights their negative long-term effects.

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Mixed media

CARRIER/Is this crown worth it? by Laura Dzerve
CARRIER/Is this crown worth it?  
1 x 20 cm