NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Stay Real, 2016

150 x 60 cm

Paper, paint, glazed ceramics.

Gradient monotype print happened to be born from the need to depict the other, unseen side of the television/computer screen, white screen light is divided into wide palette of colors, reaching its audience, playing with our senses, becoming hypnotic. “Stay real” is a phrase appropriated from H&M clothes, always reprinted becomes mantra. Print is a part of personal exhibition “Stay real”, that was held in 5Mills gallery in Vilnius.

Other works from the series:


Migle Kriaciunaite. Tactile Surface. 2016. 20×30 cm. Glazed ceramics

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Tactile Surface by Miglė Kriaučiūnaitė
Tactile Surface  
20 x 30 cm