NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Pillow Resonance, 2024

250 x 400 cm

steel and electrical installation

The Pillow Resonance is an art project that delves into the exploration of vibrations and their relationship with sleep, using the pillow as the main tool. The project reveals how vibrations can be used to awaken individuals from deep sleep and also how they can assist people with hearing impairments.

The work uses steel pillows and spring mattresses connected with electronics and vibration motors.



His project, “Pillow Resonance,” was conceived after his ERASMUS+ exchange and centres around the exploration of a pillow as an art object, inspired by his personal experience of waking from deep sleep due to external vibrations rather than sounds.

In his master’s thesis, Kesenfelds worked with sheet metal, employing TIG welding and pneumatic techniques to create realistic pillow-like forms. He incorporated vibrating motors into his artwork, resulting in a sensory installation that engages visitors through sound, vibration, and the tactile experience. The installation is an interactive piece where motion sensors activate the vibrations, creating an immersive environment that suggests deep sleep or even a pillow fight.

Throughout his studies, Kesenfelds honed his skills in electronics, ARDUINO, and mechanical techniques, further exploring these themes in his ongoing projects. Reflecting on his work, particularly “Pillow Resonance,” he sees great potential for the continued exploration of vibrations in art.



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