NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Lasnamäe elegia, 2022

By Mari Prekup
85 x 60 cm

Linocut, edition 35, 2018–2022.

Measurements of one work, all in same size 85 × 60 cm, the price is without frame and for the whole series, possible to buy separately, price for one work 490 eur

The series “Elegies of Tallinn”

1. The Sheep and UFOs of Lasnamäe (1987-1992)

2. The Rocks and Onions of Toompea Stadium (1989-2000)

3. The Circus and Potato of Freedom Square (1993-2013)

The photo is an sample, we do not guarantee a specific edition number unless otherwise is stated in the description.

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Fear by Mari Prekup
135 x 91 cm