NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Tiina Ojaste

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Tiina Ojaste (born 1961 in Pärnu) has been studying art from early childhood. 1977–1981 studied leather design at the Tartu Art School.
After the art studies she lived in Tartu and worked for some twenty years as entrepreneur, designer and director of production in different firms. Around the millennium, Ojaste moved to the area near Pärnu and since 2005 she works as a freelance artist, expressing herself mainly in oil painting. Since 1987, numerous solo and group exhibitions (oil painting) in Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Ukraina, Belorussia, Russia, Cyprus and the Italy. 1986-1997 group and personal exhibitions (leather design) in Estonia, Lithuania, Germany, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Italy, United Kingdom, the United States and elsewhere.
Her paintings deal with dreams, memory, mystery and also with the relationship between human and nature in different situations. For characters each experience brings new learning, each development and change, new lessons as well.


Midday by Tiina Ojaste
Midday, 2016  
120 x 30 cm
Time for Fruits by Tiina Ojaste
Time for Fruits, 2013  
40 x 120 cm
Helen of Troy with Bluebird by Tiina Ojaste
Helen of Troy with Bluebird, 2013  
100 x 30 cm

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