NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Sebastian Reis Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Sebastian Reis (born 1985 in Horn, Austria) lives and works in Helsinki and is currently completing his MFA at the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki. He received the intermediate diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, Germany, and a Master’s Degree in Economics at the University of Vienna, Austria. He received a Scholarship of the EMANUEL und SOFIE FOHN-STIPENDIENSTIFTUNG, Vienna, Austria. His work has been exhibited i.a. Project Room, Helsinki; Galerie Raum mit Licht, Vienna; Malzgasse 12a (EYES ON), Vienna; Galleria Hämärä, Rovaniemi; Folgendes, Hamburg; Werkschauhalle, Leipzig; Ve.Sch, Vienna.


Die Revolution bin ich (The Revolution am I) by Sebastian Reis
Die Revolution bin ich (The Revolution am I), 2018  
240 x 131 cm
Erdmodell (Earth Model) by Sebastian Reis
Erdmodell (Earth Model), 2017  
30 x 30 cm

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