NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Rauha Arana Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Born in 1997 in Finland, Rauha Arana is a sculptor living in Helsinki with a French (Basque) & Finnish background. They completed their baccalaureate in the Helsinki upper secondary school of visual arts in 2016, with an art diploma.

After two years of French philology studies in Helsinki University, they decided to study arts. They studied painting in the Free Art School, and received their 1 year diploma in 2019.

They are currently in the Academy of Fine Arts in their third year of bachelor studies, in the sculpture department, and they started in the year 2021. They will continue once graduated in the Master's degree program in the same Academy.


Bedbugs by Rauha Arana
200 x 90 cm

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