NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Nestor Tyryškin Emerging artist

Nestor Tyryškin

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

Personal exhibitions 2024 – Dykaduoniai gamtoje (Freeloaders in nature), VAA gallery “Akademija”, Vilnius Group exhibitions 2024 Somatika, VAA exhibition space “Tapybos koridorius”, Vilnius; Artikuliacija, VAA exhibition space “Tapybos koridorius”, Vilnius; 2022 Dabar (Now), 225th anniversary of the Painting and Drawing Department, VAA, Vilnius; 2021 +37.5, VAA exhibition space “Tapybos koridorius”, Vilnius


In the felled forest field by Nestor Tyryškin
In the felled forest field  
190 x 195 cm

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