NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Mart Trummal

Mart Trummal

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Mart Trummal was born in Tartu, 1953. Graduated from Tartu University, theoretical physics, 1976. Started painting in 2017. Exhibitions: Annual exhibitions of Tartu artists, 2017-2021, 14 group exhibitions of Konrad Mägi Atelier, “Two views” with Külli Trummal in Betti Alver museum, Jõgeva 2018, “Naked portraits” in Promenaadiviis gallery, Tartu 2019, Annual Art Exhibition of Society of Estonian Artists in Toronto, 2020-2021. Since 2019 engaged in coal and pencil drawing. Thirteen portraits of Estonian artists and writers by Mart Trummal were used to illustrate collection of poetry by Hando Runnel “Aadamal oli seitse poega”, 2020. Two commissioned portraits for public institutions: Estonian Academy of Life Sciences, 2021; Estonian Academy of Sciences, 2022. 


Portrait of an artist. Valve Janov by Mart Trummal
Portrait of an artist. Valve Janov  
92 x 122 cm
Art teacher. Heldur Viires by Mart Trummal
Art teacher. Heldur Viires  
122 x 92 cm
Girl in pink by Mart Trummal
Girl in pink  
70 x 50 cm


Toomas Paul by Mart Trummal
Toomas Paul  
40 x 30 cm
Art teacher. Heldur Viires by Mart Trummal
Art teacher. Heldur Viires  
40 x 30 cm
Hando Runnel by Mart Trummal
Hando Runnel  
40 x 30 cm
Jaan Kaplinski by Mart Trummal
Jaan Kaplinski  
40 x 30 cm
Arvo Valton by Mart Trummal
Arvo Valton  
40 x 30 cm
Marmalade by Mart Trummal
20 x 20 cm

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