NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Kristiana Marija Sproge

Artist's country of origin: Latvia

Kristiana Marija Sproge graduated in 2017 from visual communication department in Art Academy of Latvia. During her studies, Sproge took part in art projects with co-founded artist group “3 / 8”. 

Sproge has actively participated in various workshops, exhibitions, volunteer work, and publications. She has taken part in the international exchange program “Youth Space”, oriented on digital media and fine arts development within an individual (workshop in Stockholm, 2012) and with a concentration on creative thinking (workshop in Tallinn, 2012). In 2014 she participated in contemporary photo Masterclass, conducted by Annika Nagel & Caspar Sessler. This resulted in a publication “Private/Public”, with the published works being exhibited in a photo exhibition in gallery Mitte in Bremen, 2015. She has participated in various publications in “Popper Publishing” 10th and 12th illustration issues. She has been organising and taking part in various exhibitions,– one-man-show “/” with artist collective “3 / 8” in gallery RIXC; group exhibition “Above The Ground” in Riga and Vilnius, one-man-show “X kg” with artist collective “3 / 8”; a group exhibition with artist collective “3/ 8” in Jurmala City Museum Bikini Zone and participation in Latvian National Museum at art exhibition “Piezīmes par pašsaprotamām lietām” in collaboration with artist collective “3/ 8”.

Important experience for Sproge has been a study year abroad in ArtEZ Art Institute, cross-media design department; screening of the video “Sound visualisation” in creative video and performance festival “Camp/2” in Halle-Saale, Germany, and one-week private masterclass with artist Nasan Tur. She has also made  many publications, the most important is collaborative rise zine “4in1” and a newspaper “/” with Google cooperative drawings.


Revelation by Kristiana Marija Sproge
Revelation, 2017  
1002 x 65 cm

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