NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Kaspars Gobiņš Emerging artist

Kaspars Gobiņš

Artist's country of origin: Latvia

Emerging digital artist and immersive reality designer whose work bridges the gap between traditional art forms and cutting-edge digital technologies. Recent graduate from the Art Academy of Latvia, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Audio-Visual Media Arts from the Environment Art Department. Notable projects include a 360-degree stereoscopic animation for his bachelor’s thesis, a crown design featured in the Latvian National History Museum, and visualizations for a brass band concert at the XXVII General Latvian Song and XVII Dance Festival. Currently, he is working on an immersive reality project for the Decorative Arts and Design Museum, involving the digital restoration of the Riga Central Train Station as part of an exhibition on designer Jānis Krievs.

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