NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Jānis Šneiders Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Latvia

Jānis Šneiders (born 1995) will graduate from the Art Academy of Latvia in 2019 with a Bachelor´s Degree in Painting. He has participated in exhibitions since 2014, had a solo show “Debut” at the Östergötlands museum in Linköping, Sweden (2017), and the most recent solo show “Filling” at the gallery Bastejs in Riga, Latvia (2019). Jānis Šneiders is interested in internal, unseen processes leaving their marks on the external world, becoming visible, breaking out. He works with mirroring his own human condition in everyday as well as imagined environments, objects and events. As above, so below. His works ought to be looked at as if they were icons or symbols of thoughts and feelings, reminders.

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