Ivars Pommers Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Latvia
2024 graduated The Art Academy of Latvia with a bachelor’s degree in visual arts, majoring in painting. During his studies participated in numerous masterclasses and workshops. Most notable exhibitions: 03.03.2022.: Group exhibition “Musa x Paradisico x Purvītim 150”. Gallery “Pilot”. 30.06.2022.: Group exhibition “Becoming”. M/Gallery. 12.06.2023.: Group exhibition “Inside”. Kalnciema Kvartals Gallery. 04.07.2023.: Group exhibition “Corpora Diversa”. RSU Museum of Anatomy. 23.11.2023.: Group exhibition “Surprize V. Where am I?”. Centro Arti Visive Pesceria, Pesaro, Italia. 01.12.2023.: Group exhibition “Jaunie. Modelis un mūza”. Gallery Mans’s.
“I am interested in the ways in which the human mind atributes meaning to things it does not know. It makes me happy when art can talk about things that are unknown. Between the visible events there is a space in which there is something that is left out of sight, and such a space of ambiguity is not only between me and the things I know, but also between me and the canvas on which I paint. I choose to think that I am more than what I know. I like that in this unknown space there is a possibility, a possibility of being – something that is not yet there, but ready to begin its existence, as soon as some unknown prerequisites are met. I willingly leave room for the unknown. It has some kind of promise of creation and change and movement in it. From a distance it can be mistaken for mysticism, but I think of it simply as a space where I don’t force my mind to be conscious of things. This creates a space for the imagination to live in. I accept the limited nature of knowledge and look into a field where knowledge is replaced with observation and feeling. Sometimes it expands the boundaries of knowledge, sometimes it doesn’t, and both scenarios are fine. I would be happy if this approach would encourage the art viewer to atribute meanings to what he discovers in the artwork as something new.”