NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Helena Lepik Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Helena Lepik (b. 1994) is a freelance painter currently living and working in Tallinn. Studied at Estonian Academy of Arts, fine arts department, BA specialising in painting (2007). Her art practice deals with psychological self-exploration, sexuality, defining identity and afterlife. She prefers to work with large-scale surfaces, pays attention to powerful usage of form and colorite.


Committing a Shameful Crime by Helena Lepik
Committing a Shameful Crime  
143 x 122 cm
Disturbing the Silence of the Sirens by Helena Lepik
Disturbing the Silence of the Sirens  
122 x 194 cm
Falling into a Coma by Helena Lepik
Falling into a Coma  
122 x 194 cm
Getting Rid of the Eternal Innocence by Helena Lepik
Getting Rid of the Eternal Innocence  
143 x 122 cm
Being Trapped in Front of the Unavoidable Death by Helena Lepik
Being Trapped in Front of the Unavoidable Death  
122 x 204 cm

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