NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Helen Melesk

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Helen Melesk (born 1980) is a photographic artist from Tallinn who studies the habits and practices that emerge in people’s personal spaces. She models instincts stemming from love for orderliness and territorial strivings into still-life-like patterned compositions. Since 2004, she has taken part in many group exhibitions and projects, and also studied at the Utrecht School of the Arts. In 2010, she defended her master’s degree at the Estonian Academy of Arts in the field of photography.

Her series “Rituaalne ruum” (“Ritual Space”) exhibited at Melesk’s solo exhibition at Hobusepea Gallery in 2014 is a thematic continuation of the artist’s two previous solo exhibitions “Kus lõpped sina, algan mina” (“Where You End, I Begin”, 2012, Hobusepea Gallery) and “Lööme korra majja” (“Let’s Get in Order”, 2010, Draakoni Gallery). These series also dealt with the psychology of the organization of a space.


Ritual Space by Helen Melesk
Ritual Space, 2014  
40 x 60 cm
Ritual Space by Helen Melesk
Ritual Space, 2014  
40 x 60 cm
Ritual Space by Helen Melesk
Ritual Space, 2014  
40 x 60 cm

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