NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Brita Maripuu Emerging artist

Brita Maripuu

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

I have graduated from the Painting Department of the Pallas University of Applied Sciences in 2021 and received further education in Portugal and Hungary within the framework of the Erasmus program. My artistic interest lies in the field of exploring monochromic visuals. Primary materials for my artwork are mainly charcoal and graphite. Charcoal inspires with its primitive and somewhat sketchy cognition. As a canvas, I test surfaces with different textures and porosities, such as paper, linen, concrete, wood, and so on. As topics, I’m examining the journey between the real world and sentimental memory images, which contains deliberately evoked and unintentional memories.


Paralleel CC by Brita Maripuu
Paralleel CC, 2022  
120 x 150 cm


Palaemon adspersus II by Brita Maripuu
Palaemon adspersus II, 2021  
50 x 70 cm

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