NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Aurea Tanttu Emerging artist

Aurea Tanttu

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Education: 2022 – 2024 Master of Fine Arts, Konstfack, Stockholm 2016 – 2019 Bachelor of Fine Arts (First Class Hons); Fine Art Painting, University of the Arts London; Wimbledon College of Arts Exhibitions: Sztuka Wróżenia, Galleri Konstfack, Stockholm, 2024 SeeSaw, Konstfack MFA 24 group exhibition, Stockholm, 2023 Maalauksia, Norpas Festival, Taalintehdas, (solo), 2022

Hearth, Lokal Helsinki, (group exhibition), 2021

Contemporary Voices, Plataforma 2, Barcelona, (group exhibition), 2021 Gathering, Lokal Helsinki, (group exhibition), 2020 Wimbledon College of Art Degree show, Wimbledon College of Arts, London, 2019 For Love or Money, Copeland Gallery, London, (group exhibition), 2019 Sisterhood, Lokal Helsinki, (joint exhibition), 2018 Taide Kantaa ja Kannattelee, Tila Galleria, Helsinki, (group exhibition), 2015 Awards: Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize, Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers and the Lynn Foundation, 2017 Works in collections: ‘Miskant’ 2023, acquired by Ersta Diakoniskap hospital, Stockholm 2024


In the Fallen Birch a Hornets’ Nest by Aurea Tanttu
In the Fallen Birch a Hornets’ Nest  
120 x 150 cm
Melex by Aurea Tanttu
170 x 150 cm

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