NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Ameena Aljerman Alali

Ameena Aljerman Alali

Artist's country of origin: Sweden

Born in United Arab Emirates, (b.1990), Ameena Alali completed her Master of Fine Arts program at Konstfack, Stockholm (2024) and earned her double majors Bachelor degree of Fine Arts and International Studies at Zayed University, Dubai (2014). Ameena’s main interests are focused on history fragments in enslaved peoples’ history, and slavery after life of Afro-Emirati in Arabian/Persian Gulf region. Working mainly with video installations and sculpture pieces, Ameena focuses on re-introducing narratives of her own family history and trauma amendments.


Zirku III by Ameena Aljerman Alali
Zirku III  
220 x 180 cm


Zirku I by Ameena Aljerman Alali
Zirku I  
122 x 76 cm
Far & Few, far & few by Ameena Aljerman Alali
Far & Few, far & few  
122 x 76 cm

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