NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Alar Tuul

Alar Tuul

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Alar Tuul´s (born 1982) works are among the most recognizable and unique in the young generation of Estonian artists. Over the years, his automatist, naive surfaces reminiscent of Karel Appel or Jean-Michel Basquiat have moved from details to larger generalisations. Stickmen and wheel-eyed creatures are still there, but instead of individual scenes forming the composition, they are now part of bigger panoramas. Emotion (colour) has replaced calculation (line), clear reasoning has given way to subconsciuosness and from this, thousands of stories can be found and new world constructed.

Source: Tartu Art Museum

Portfolio Showcase (not for sale)

Scheme by Alar Tuul
Scheme, 2010  
119 x 107 cm
Another Picture by Alar Tuul
Another Picture, 2014  
144 x 136 cm

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