NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Juliana Hyrri Emerging artist

Juliana Hyrri

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Juliana Hyrri (b.1989) is a visual artist from Helsinki, Finland, who mainly works with painting and contemporary comics. In her works, perception and the momentary nature of experience collide with something doubtful and deceptive. Borders fade and stories slide into each other. Hyrri as a Master of Arts from Aalto University and is completing a master’s degree in fine art at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki. In addition to private collections, Hyrri’s works are in the collections of Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, the Tampere Art Museum, Basware, Lähitapiola and Aalto University.


Summer beach fantasy by Juliana Hyrri
Summer beach fantasy  
180 x 200 cm
Käty (meaning: empty home) by Juliana Hyrri
Käty (meaning: empty home)  
100 x 100 cm


Mint green plastic cat in the night by Juliana Hyrri
Mint green plastic cat in the night  
13 x 13 cm

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